Timber Construction
Wood is a recyclable raw material which is regionally available throughout Germany, a building material with an ideal "carbon footprint". Wood is stored CO2 and stored solar energy. Already in 1979, the architect (and trained cabinet maker) Rolf Disch got the “Timber Construction Award” of the state of Baden-Wurttemberg. Since then, the office has always preferred to build in wood, from numerous housing projects to office and factory buildings.
Wood places special demands on statics, fire and noise protection, as well as heat insulation. The office has profound experience in the construction with this ecological building material and a well-established network of specialized planners.
A special challenge was the construction of the wooden Heliotrope. A skeleton structure made of spruce glulam winds around the 14 meters central column, which contains the electrical, water, gas, and waste water installations and the spiral staircase.
Currently under construction is one of the highest solid wood buildings in Germany. In the Freiburg development area Gutleutmatten, a six-storey multi-generation residential building with 21 residential units is being built as a building cooperative project.