Whether for companies or public authorities, the criteria of sustainability are increasingly becoming more important in planning and investor competitions. Environment and resources, health, culture and capital are to be protected, ecological, economic and socio-cultural qualities of the buildings are defined, standards for energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies are set in advance.
Thus, the cooperative "Moeckernkiez Initiative" tendered an invited, two-stage realization competition for a 3-hectare construction site in Berlin-Kreuzberg to design a socially inclusive, ecologically exemplary lighthouse project. First prize and contract went to Rolf Disch Solar Architecture and four other offices. A second prize was awarded to the studio in the competition for the new headquarters of Phoenix Solar AG. In Schallstadt near Freiburg, Rolf Disch and Solarsiedlung GmbH won the investor competition for the housing project "Sonnengrün" with approx. 70 residential units.