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Affordable Housing and Modular Design

Mountain Peak - The smallest modular unit

Modular building: of a multi-generation house

Affordable Housing and Modular Design

Germany needs several hundred thousand apartments in a short space of time. Affordable housing is scarce in many cities. But the solution cannot be to lower the building standards and play off social aspects against sustainability. So how do you build fast at highest standards? How can you get to affordable rents and purchase prices while complying with the European Building Performance Directive, which from 2019 will only allow low-energy houses with regenerative self-sufficiency?

Already in the 1980s, Rolf Disch Solar Architecture was awarded several prizes for particularly cost-effective housing projects, with the International Architecture Prize in Brussels for the "Rabenkopfstraße" and the award of the Federal Ministry of Construction for low-priced single-family homes for the "Housing Estate Lindenwaeldle" in Freiburg. In the 90s followed the award-winning prefab house planning "Oevolution" for the company Weberhaus (International Design Award Baden-Wurttemberg and European Solar Prize of EUROSOLAR).

Following on from these experiences, Rolf Disch SolarArchitekcure is currently working on modular concepts. Prefabricated, flexibly combinable modules allow high quality and cost control. Housing modules were developed that can be used for the accommodation of refugees, but also in normal housing construction. There is also a special module in planning, the "Powerbox", which combines access, stairs, and all technical components and which serves as a core for single, double and terraced houses.

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